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Marketing Privacy

Pursuant to Art. 13 of Regulation 2016/679/EU (hereinafter "GDPR") ONE CLICK TILES S.R.L.  with head office in Salò (BS), Via Eugenio Montale, 2 - 25087, in its capacity as "Data Controller", states that the personal data provided through the "contact form" will be processed in compliance with legislative requirements, in order to guarantee the rights, fundamental freedoms, dignity, and particularly confidentiality and personal identity. 

Origin, purpose, legal basis and nature of data processed

The processing of directly provided personal data, is carried out by ONE CLICK TILES S.R.L. for the sole purpose of processing requests made to the company by filling in the form or by a subsequent contact. Furthermore, third party personal data communicated by the Data Subject to ONE CLICK TILES S.R.L. may also be processed. . In this case, ONE CLICK TILES S.R.L. acts as the autonomous Data Controller and assumes the consequent legal obligations and responsibilities, ensuring that it has fulfilled the legislative requirements in order to ensure that ONE CLICK TILES S.R.L. can legitimately process them, absolving it from any dispute, claim and/or request for compensation for damages from ONE CLICK TILES S.R.L. by third parties.
In compliance with current legislation regarding the protection of personal data, the data will be stored, collected and processed by ONE CLICK TILES S.R.L. for the following purposes:
  1. fulfilment of requests made by the User;
  2. fulfilment of legal obligations that may be connected with the provision of the requested performance/service;
  3. the sending of newsletters and communications for direct marketing purposes, by email, sms, mms, push notifications, fax, paper mail, operator calls, directly or through third party providers of marketing and communication services regarding the products offered by ONE CLICK TILES S.R.L. pursuant to art. 130 c. 1 and 2 of Legislative Decree no. 196/03 (hereinafter the 'Code');
The legal bases for data processing for the above-mentioned purposes are Articles 6.1.b) and 6.1.c) of the GDPR; respectively the execution of a contract and the fulfilment of a legal obligation.
The provision of data for the above-mentioned purposes is necessary to enable ONE CLICK TILES S.R.L. to execute and/or conclude the contract and provide the requested services.

The legal basis for the processing of personal data for the purpose under c) is Art. 6.1.a) of the GDPR, i.e. specific consent; ONE CLICK TILES S.R.L. may collect a single consent for the marketing purposes described herein, pursuant to the General Provision of the Data Protection Authority for the protection of personal data "Guidelines on Marketing and against Spam" of 4 July 2013. The provision of consent to the use of data for marketing purposes is optional and the User may decide to object to the processing of data for these purposes or withdraw consent at any time by following the instructions in the "Rights of the Data Subject" section of this Policy notice.
For data processing carried out for the purpose of direct mailing of its own advertising material or direct sales or for the fulfilment of its own market research or commercial communications in relation to products or services similar to those already used by the Client, ONE CLICK TILES S.R.L. may use the e-mail addresses or personal data in accordance with and within the limits allowed by art. 130, paragraph 4 of the Code and under the provision of the Data Protection Authority for the protection of personal data of 19 June 2008, even in the absence of explicit consent (communications relating to recently purchased goods and/or services ). The legal basis for the processing of data for this purpose is Article 6(1)(f) of the GDPR, without prejudice to the option of objecting to such processing at any time by following the instructions given in the "Rights of the Data Subject" section of this Notice.


The data may be communicated to third parties appointed as Data Processors pursuant to Article 28 of the GDPR, such as suppliers of services strictly necessary for the performance of business activities or to consultants of the Company, where necessary for fiscal, administrative or contractual reasons or for requirements protected by current regulations. The personal data of the Data Subject or the personal data of third parties may also be communicated to external companies, identified from time to time, such as the website administrator, to which ONE CLICK TILES S.R.L. entrusts the execution of obligations arising from the role. Only the data required for the performance of their functions shall be transmitted to them. 
All employees, consultants, temporary staff and/or any other "natural person" authorised to process data and to carry out their activities on the basis of the instructions received by ONE CLICK TILES S.R.L., pursuant to art. 29 of the GDPR, are appointed as "Authorised Processors". ONE CLICK TILES S.R.L. shall issue appropriate operating instructions to any designated Authorised Processors or Data Processors, particularly regarding the implementation and compliance with security measures, in order to guarantee the confidentiality and security of the data. With reference to the aspects of protection of personal data, the Data Subject is invited, pursuant to art. 33 of the GDPR, to notify ONE CLICK TILES S.R.L. of any circumstances under which a potential data breach may arise to allow for an immediate evaluation and implementation of actions to counteract such an event by contacting ONE CLICK TILES S.R.L. at the addresses indicated below.
Data will not be disseminated.
This is without prejudice to the obligation of ONE CLICK TILES S.R.L. to communicate the data to the competent Authorities at their specific request.

International data transfer

Personal data may be transferred abroad where necessary to handle the operation requested. The equivalent levels of protection applied for the processing of personal data of its own employees will be applied for the processing of any information and data potentially received. In any case, only the data necessary for the intended purposes will be communicated and the regulatory instruments provided for in Chapter V of the GDPR will be applied.

Processing methods and retention times

Data are processed lawfully and fairly for the above-mentioned purposes in accordance with the fundamental principles laid down in the legislation. 
Personal data may be processed by means of computerised or digital devices or in paper form, taking the necessary technical and organisational measures to ensure security, confidentiality and reduction of the risks of destruction or loss, including accidental loss, unauthorised access or unlawful processing.
The data shall be processed by ONE CLICK TILES S.R.L. for the entire duration of the relationship and thereafter for the time necessary to assert its rights or for administrative purposes and/or to execute legal obligations.

Rights of the Data Subject

The Data Subject is granted the following rights under the GDPR:
  • access to personal data and any information related to their processing;
  • rectification of inaccurate personal data and notification of rectification to third parties to whom the data have been transmitted;
  • deletion of data and notification of deletion to third parties to whom the data have been transmitted;
  • restriction of processing and objection (when possible);
  • portability of data from ONE CLICK TILES S.R.L. to another Data Controller or the receipt of data in a structured, commonly used and machine-readable format;
  • complaint to the Data Protection Authority.
To obtain more information on the processing of your personal data or to exercise your rights, please contact Matteo Durante (

Data Controller

The data controller, pursuant to Article 4 of the GDPR, is " ONE CLICK TILES S.R.L. - Via Eugenio Montale, 2 - 25087 Salò (BS) VAT no: 03929610982 - Tax Code: 03929610982

The Data Controller